Roxanne just sent these photos from daycare this summer. I like to tell Francis she’s going to school in hopes that when she does end up going she’ll be excited about it and feel like an old pro. There are no more than 5 or 6 kids a day and all of them are about the same age. Most have been with Roxanne since they were about 2 months old. Francis was a late comer at about a year old, but loves it and seems to fit right in. We have been so thankful for Roxanne and the ability to have Francis there 2x a week. I’m not quite sure how things will play out when baby #2 comes and I’m no longer working, but for now I’m just thankful for the time we’ve had and Francis seems to really enjoy it. As a sidenote: I love the furniture at her daycare and so Matt is building Francis some! Whoo hoo!
Frowny face Francis at "school"

by Sally
Kristen - I see Sally in that pout. So cute!! I can't wait for our girls to meet one day soon…of course they will be best friends!