Yesterday I discovered a treasure just around the corner from our house. It’s the Wednesday morning “Open Gym” at the Oak Park gymnastics center. For five dollars you and your toddler can play in a padded room of goodies for an hour and a half. Not just any hour and half either. It’s from 10:00 – 11:30am during the morning “hump time” as I like to lovingly refer to it. It’s that time after breakfast and before lunch/naptime when Francis and I stare at each other and wonder what we’re going to do. This proved to be worth every penny spent. Francis flat wore herself out. Afterwards, we out did ourselves and went to McDonalds playland for lunch with Brian, Noah and Anna Breit. It was awesome and no kidding… Francis was asleep before we left the McDonalds parking lot. Can’t beat that.
The Best 5 bucks I think I’ve ever spent.