Today was Francis’s two-year gestational birthday! Marking two years since her fabulously missed due date. As many of you know, she decided to wait 10 more days till she was ultimately evicted by yours truly. So, as you may have surmised… only 10 days till her 2nd birthday. I can’t believe my little girl is growing up so darn fast. It is truly hard to believe. Amidst the still long list of things to do before baby boy arrives I’m trying to put together a fun little party for our girl to include an otter cake per her request. It should be a fun challenge seeing as how I can’t bake worth a darn and after 2 hours of internet searching I couldn’t even come up with a cake pan shaped like a seal. So… we will see. At least this year I have a working oven. Last year we were forced to bake her cake at the neighbors house. (Thanks again, Ben and Maureen! :)) I think it may end up having to be a cake with a picture of an otter on it. Not quite the grand cake I was hoping for… I had the Steel Magnolias Armadillo cake as inspiration in my head, but hey… maybe that’s the best a 38 week pregnant girl can do. I think Francis will understand.
As for gifts, many of our friends and family have started asking what to get her. I put together a wishlist on Here’s the link to it: Francis’s Birthday Wishlist.
As I have told all of you as well, she’s only turning two and I won’t tell her if you don’t get her anything. Frankly, I’d rather you just put that money towards a birthday present for me. I mean, afterall, my birthday is first! ! 😉 No, no… just kidding… buy the girlie a present if you must. But just know that if you don’t, I won’t spill the beans when she gets older.
Francis’s Due Date

by Sally
ERIC WELLS - Hey girl I had no idea that our little girls were so close together in age,my daughter's birthday is july 7 (which by chance is my birthday to)she is also going to be the big number 2,its funny because having our birthdays on the same day means double the cake and ice cream,and even though there is 31 years difference between Sydney and I,well I still enjoy her presents so its double the presents to(HA)cant beat it…anyways…Happy birthday to Francis and good luck on the cake thing I'm sure you'll do fine,I mean once the girl reaches in and grabs her first hand full of cake I dont think its gonna matter what it was shaped like…ha ha….see ya…Eric
Kristen - In college, Robyna used to do wonders with a Chewbacca-shaped cake pan. I certainly don't think you should sweat the cake baking part, but just wanted to provide a little inspiration where you may have never looked… But knowing you as I do, you probably thought of everything. Does Francis remember Chewbacca Halloween?
Sally - Hey Eric, my birthday is July 10th! So we're close together and our daughters are close together. 🙂 We'll see how the cake turns out. I'm going to Target today to see what I can magically make happen there.
Fulmer Fam - Sally,
I wanted to ask if you had gotten a sling yet? You know there are a ton of different ones out there and as fast as Thomas grew I went through a few, so if you are trying to decide I could maybe help you out, there are some super easy ones to use and Thomas loved and loves his.
katherine petillo - a little inspiration:
ERIC WELLS - WOW July 10 huh that must make you what 22 now HA!!
katherine petillo - i just noticed the $599 rug on francis' wishlist 😉
man, the girl already has expensive taste. you better watch out. just wait until she's a teenager.