After almost 5 weeks of permit h-e-double-hockey-sticks, we got the piece of paper allowing us to dig 9 giant holes in our yard. Saturday, Dennis, Paul and Matt flat went to town. It was a sight to see. I wish I could fully explain or convey in video, however, this is the best I can do. It was back-breaking work in crazy hot weather with no shade tree in sight. Speaking of shade trees, a couple of the holes took HOURS to dig because they kept hitting tree roots. Apparently our sad excuse for a back yard used to have a beautiful giant tree in it. We miss you tree.
The good news, the inspector came out today and gave us the thumbs up to build the deck. I would guess we’ll have a deck this time next week…hopefully.
MOVIE: Back Breaking Work

by Sally
katherine petillo - makes me appreciate my job even more. wow. can't wait to see the finished product.
Kristen - big beautiful tree — we miss you! i can't wait to see pictures of that kitchen in progress! good luck with the deck!
Thomas Petillo - i feel for those guys. really. katherine and i had been married a bit over a year when i decided i would build a fence at our first house. i had the one man version of that contraption, and it beat my hips black and blue. i swore i would never again dig post holes. and i've kept my word.
Sally - Then you know… this video doesn't capture the anguish. It was hard damn work. And I'm not kidding, they thought it would take 3 hours and it took 10. It was hard to watch.
Matt's hands are a blistered mess of good intention.
donr - Meanwhile, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY from the Roedner Ranch, sweet Sally Cat. You're my favorite Cancer ever…
chacha - Holy crap! I knew Dennis was an angel before, but this video proves that his place in heaven is assured. Even I would have called in sick before digging posts this past Saturday….yet Dennis knew he couldn't keep sweet Sally Gulde waiting one more second for her new deck.