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The Orange Opera

Francis and I were watching old Sesame Street episodes this afternoon and came across this oldie, but goodie. At the end of the clip, I turned to her and said “Now that was pretty silly don’t you think – an orange singing opera?” She responded, “Let’s make oranges!”

Check out the inspirational video and the “fruit” (hardy, har, har) of our labor on Flickr.

Originally uploaded by ..Sally...
January 19, 2008 - 10:10 pm

Kristen - so creative, that one there!

January 27, 2008 - 5:50 am

Sally - I'd like to take some credit for it, but… not on this one… this was all her idea.

Can a momma love her Francis more than I do? Don't think so…

January 30, 2008 - 5:15 am

tami - we love the opera orange too! why is sesame street so lame now? i love the idea of making your own version of the orange, btw.

oh, and great pics on your blog. what kind of camera do you shoot with?