We went in as a family. My husband Matt, George, myself and baby Sam, all escorted sweet Francis to her very first day in Mrs. Bradshaw’s Kindergarten class. She was quiet and a little nervous. She wanted to stay by my side, so I walked her in, greeted her teacher and found her seat. It was time for goodbyes and I don’t think either of us were excited about it. I gave her the biggest hug I could, a kiss for good measure, told her I loved her, told her to have a super fun day and whispered “I’ll see you before you know it!” As I started to stand up to turn towards the door, she said “Wait, I have to give Daddy a hug and a kiss!” and as quick as cricket she was running to the door. I grabbed my camera and captured the sweetest hug I’ve ever seen. Man, those two… breakin’ my heart. Just when I thought I’d get out of there without crying…
The Drop Off.

by Sally
lauren - Sally, that photo should win an award. Or five. Absolutely beautiful!
Lydia - So sweet Sal – so glad I followed your FB page to your blog – loving getting a glimpse of your life and ponderings!