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I love print.

Here it is in the paper. There’s something so much cooler about seeing it in print than online.


February 6, 2012 - 2:02 am

sarai - yay!! ps i love the coffee mug 🙂

February 6, 2012 - 3:19 am

Sally - @Sarai, I picked that out just for you. 😉

February 6, 2012 - 8:00 pm

Sarai - It was noted and appreciated. And also by the way- I am seriously jealous of how awesome your comment features are!

February 6, 2012 - 8:07 pm

Sarah Wolfe - I feel cool b/c I know you. You’re already famous here in FW and you haven’t even been here that long!

February 6, 2012 - 8:40 pm

Sally - Ha. Famous might be stretching it a bit, but I will say it was fun to see my work in the paper. Esp. little 3 year old Georgie’s face. 😉