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Texas Tornado Weather
About a month ago, we had a tornado warning. All of the kids came home from school that day with stories about how theyView full post »

For all the parents in the da’ house…
Can I get an “AMEN!!”? When your youngest child goes poo in the potty, well, it is a very, very good dayView full post »

Freddie and Jessika Got Married.
Went down to Austin to celebrate Fred gettin’ hitched this weekend. Highlights included: 1) Grandma watching theView full post »

My sweet friend Elizabeth, a Rare Bird.
I just received the very best surprise in the mail from my sweet friend, Elizabeth Madden of Rare Bird Preserves.View full post »

My cute kids.
I spent the morning shooting photos for the school’s yearbook and I couldn’t resist shooting some photos ofView full post »

Date night with Francis
Tonight I had a dinner date with Francis at IHOP. Followed by some looking (and playing at the Apple store). AndView full post »

Happy Birthday George . . . Washington!
You may have not realized that today was George Washington’s birthday, however, members of OUR George’sView full post »

Francis starts her first business, Artwork by Francis.
I recently read an article in Family Fun magazine about a 7 year old who started a business taking out his neighborView full post »

A Rare Sighting.
Tonight, Francis came down to our bedroom half asleep and snuggled up with Matt. I couldn’t bear the idea ofView full post »

The long walk home.
Today, instead of picking up the big kids from school in the car, Sam and I walked. George found sticks (for his stickView full post »

My Builder
Tonight the Science and History museum came to our school and George quickly gravitated towards the cups.View full post »

My sweet Valentines.
On Valentines day, we had a “fancy dinner” picnic in our entry way (It was a bit too cold outside) andView full post »

Valentines Day
This morning, Matt surprised me by taking the morning off and treating me to breakfast and a morning at The Modern. IView full post »

Date Night with George
Last night George and I went on a movie date night to go see, “The Miracle.” We were running late so while IView full post »

George is reading.
One of my favorite things is not the sound of my children reading, but more specifically, the sound of my childrenView full post »