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Picking Up Peg Board on Michigan Ave.

When we moved to a house, one of the things we were excited about was establishing a garage shop. Well, you can’t have a shop without a lot of pegboard. I found this particular batch *cheap* on craigslist. We strapped fifteen sheets of pegboard (about 20 pounds a piece) to the top of the car and drove very slowly from Michigan Ave. out to Oak Park. Francis was no help.

Sherrie and Katie came to visit!

Rainy day in Chicago
Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family.

The week after we got back from vacation my sister Sherrie and her oldest daughter, Katie came to visit us. It was so great to see them and so fun to show them our new house and neighborhood. It rain the whole time they were here, but aside from that it was a good time had by all. I can’t believe Katie is growing up so fast. She just started 8th grade this past week at a new school. I can’t wait to hear how it went. Thanks for coming you guys…and come back soon!

Vacation in Galveston

Vacation in Galveston
Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family.

It’s been awhile! I apologize for that. But man o’ man this girl has been busy. Since we’ve been back I’ve pulled one all nighter and been up till 2 and 3:30 on other nights. Work is kickin’ my booty, but it’s all good. I just keep thinking about that kitchen remodel and I’m rejuvenated. 😉
Galveston was great. We had so much fun seeing my mom and sisters and their families. There were kids EVERYWHERE! It was fun to see Francis get pawed by all of her cousins. She loved it! She was never short of an audience.
Well, I’ve got to cut this entry short…It’s 6:45am and I have to get to the dentist! Blah… he’s coming in early so that Matt can watch Francis while I get ANOTHER crown and have a couple fillings taken care of.

August 24, 2005 - 9:45 pm

Donoghue Nation - Patel rocks! I hope everything is fixed Sally.

More Content Coming Soon

We’re back from vacation, but it has taken us a while to put some new pictures up. Sorry about that. I promise they’ll be here soon.

In the meantime, here’s the latest news.

1. I broke Sally’s Grammy. When I say that I “broke” it, I mean that I was in the same room when it happened to fall off the mantle and break into two pieces. I hope that the Grammy company replaces broken ones for free. After all, we don’t even own all the rights to the thing (e.g., we couldn’t sell it without permission . . .).

2. Francis is just about to walk. She stands up in the middle of the room without hanging on to anything. She lunges. She walks with the slightest help from person or table. We’ll post video of some of the first steps.

3. We got a little help with Francis. She now has a standing Friday date with Roxanne, who takes care of a number of kids in Oak Park. Roxanne is great.

4. I got stung by a jellyfish in Galveston. The interesting thing is that it had pretty much cleared up within a week, but then unexpectedly flared up again. Now it’s a really itchy rash on my wrist.

5. Francis added the Gulf of Mexico to the list of bodies of water she has encountered.

More soon . . .