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The Stamp Game

Francis has been loving her new school, Daggett Montessori. She loves systems and being in control of her work plan. She has “x” amount of math, biology, language, etc. works that she has to do every week and can decide when to get them done. Right now, one of her favorites is the Stamp Game. It’s a math work that teaches kids how to add and subtract large numbers. She’s been so chatty about it, that I recently surprised her by buying one for our house. She was so adorably excited when it came in the mail. She couldn’t get her hands on it fast enough to show me how it worked and even better, in keeping with the Montessori method, she couldn’t wait to teach George. George, only 5, is now learning how to add four digit numbers together – and loving it.

Francis teaching George how to add the Montessori way, using the Stamp Game.

Francis’ s classroom, also known as my living room.

January 30, 2012 - 10:08 pm

America - are those wooden numbers part of the set?

January 31, 2012 - 1:38 am

Sally - No, actually…you buy those separate. Here's the link to the ones I bought

To do the stamp game, you don't actually "need" them, I suppose, but they just add an additional visual step.

I don't know a ton about Montessori – I'm learning as I go – I would check YouTube and see if people do it without. ๐Ÿ™‚ FYI though… the quality of both of these materials is awesome. I would recommend buying stuff from this site. The only bummer is that it's all made in China. ๐Ÿ™

Marker Holders

Matt made these for Christmas for the kids and I love them so much.

a) They ensure the marker lids never get lost (the caps are glued in)

and b) I love that he branded them with his dad’s branding iron.

Is it wrong to love marker holders so much?

February 13, 2012 - 9:00 pm

lauren - These are awesome! Curt wants to know where Matt got the branding iron.

February 17, 2012 - 9:42 am

Sally - Lauren, The branding iron belonged to Matt’s dad. ๐Ÿ˜‰

June 6, 2016 - 11:51 am

Danielle - Just wondered what size drill bit you used for this project? Thank you.

Scout’s Vise

Our coffee table is made out of rattan with a little triangle of space in between the supports on the floor. Ever since he was a little puppy, Scout has been using that triangle as a vise for things he needed to chew. Tonight, he’s in his workshop taking a rawhide down to size.

January 30, 2012 - 10:06 pm

America - that is an adorable memory…

Fire Ants !

I’m so glad that the fire ants found me after I played golf this weekend.

In other news this week: we finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets tonight. It probably took a solid month and a half of bedtime reading, but F and G were engrossed to the end. Two things I love about reading to these kids: (1) stopping on adjectives and asking them to show me what they look like with their faces (e.g. “astonished,” “aghast,” or “perplexed) and (2) inserting Notre Dame references throughout (always annoying the children).
In more other news: I’m really going to miss G saying “Di-Lego” instead of “Diego.” F pointedly corrected him tonight, and I’m not sure he’ll ever say it again.