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A Time For Everything.

Recently, I started up our daily scheduling again. Aside from pick-up times and drop-offs, the after school hours are filled with these things mostly. And the kids LOVE it. They love having a plan in the afternoons and I end up feeling less overwhelmed.

Monday: Gym with kids
At the recommendation from my mom, I’ve told the kids “if they’re good, they get to go to the gym with me.” And… it’s actually working. They love going to the gym. And having them come in the afternoon means I have my mornings to run errands.

Tuesday: Library Day

Wednesday: Kitchen Adventure
We bake cookies mostly, but the idea is to try something new every week.

Thursday: Creative Thursday (inspired by my Squamy pal, Marisa)
Create. Paint, Draw, Build… something.

Friday: Outdoor Fun
We go outside as much as possible, but Fridays are set aside for something bigger, more planned than the backyard. Maybe a picnic in the park, chalk art in public spaces, finding a park we haven’t been to, etc…

How about you? Do you schedule or play it by ear?

Super Bowl Fun in Cowtown

Today we headed down to Sundance Square to take part in the Super Bowl madness that’s hit these parts. Never mind, the record snowfall, the sun was out today so it was perfect weather to get out and people watch.

Here’s my main man and the cute little people that look a lot like him.

Me and our little people.

The ESPN sports team in Sundance Square

SuperBowl Texas style

Cheeseheads Everywhere! Go Packers! (How can you not root for a team that wears cheese on their heads?)

After walking around a bit, we found a park bench and enjoyed a picnic with our new Bento lunchboxes. So far I’m really liking them.

Sam and his new lunchbox.

Love is in the air.

Time for the annual Gulde tradition of creating a family Valentine box. If all goes according to plan, it gets decorated and put in a prominent place at the beginning of February. Valentines are made and dropped in the box for family members for two weeks. I do my best to write one thing I love about each of the kids everyday. On Valentines Day, we sit down at dinner and read them to each other. So fun.

I just wrapped a box with brown paper, put a slit at the top, and the kids glued paper doilies from the dollar store on it. So easy for little hands. Sometimes, okay…a lot of the time, I tend to want to get too complicated with them. It’s such a great reminder that a glue stick and some doilies can be a legit craft. No need to pull out paints and all that craziness. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Francis taking her job very seriously. ๐Ÿ˜‰

George giving me one of his signature fake smiles. Don’t let it fool you though…he loves crafting.

Happy with their creation.

My Bento Adventure.

Four years ago, I was reading a college friend’s blog, Sushi and Schnitzel. Eager to catch up on my buddy’s acting ventures and the like, I soon realized, that his blog is written by his wife, Tami. Although I’ve never met her, I knew immediately, I liked her. She’s a lovely writer, and her creative perspective on food, children and the details of life – make me smile and inspire me every time.

So, when I read this entry about making lunches for her son, it stuck with me. At the time, Francis was 3 and George was 1. There was no need for lunch making, but now… there is.

Matt and I have done a lot of lunch making in the last 6 months.

In that time, I’ve learned a little. 1) Francis likes variety. After giving her PB&J for 4 months, she very politely explained to me that she liked it, she just wanted something else. 2) George likes pretzels, Francis does not. 3) Francis likes applesauce, George does not. 4) There is such a thing as too much food and there such a thing as not enough. 5) George’s friend, Grant, eats “Bug Bites” and “Scooby Snacks” and he “wants them too.” 6) If you cut fruit, they’ll eat it. If you put an apple in their lunch box, it will come back – – the list goes on and on.

Maybe it’s the graphic designer who loves all things Japanese or maybe it’s my type A, must-organize personality, it’s unclear, but the world of Bento boxes has been in my bookmarks bar for years. Soon after our move to Fort Worth last summer, I was reading the local kid magazine and came across a Back To School blurb about a local, mom-owned company called My Square Meal. They sell American made Bento-style lunch boxes for only $10. So, I filed it in my very busy brain at the time and finally, this week… I ordered them!

They arrived and I’m so excited to get started!

I bought 6 (2 for each kid, but I may steal one for myself.)

They look a bit (okay, a lot) like a tackle box.

Spork included. (The kids loved the spork -ha!)

Time to get creative.

We couldn’t wait. And because we’re snowed in, it seemed like a fun way to break up the day. Picnic on the couch!

Francis and her new Bento.

Even Scout wants one.

So here we go… on our Bento-adventure!

Let me know if you “Bento” and if you have any suggestions or tips. ๐Ÿ˜‰

April 14, 2011 - 3:00 am

Victoria - Oak Park - Laptop lunches has a cookbook full of great ideas that fit these lunch containers.

January 25, 2012 - 2:12 pm

Sally - Thanks for the tip… I JUST saw this comment. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Creative Thursday: Kid Rocks

This week we painted rocks.

First, I had to find the rocks. Finding smooth rocks that are bigger than a quarter proved harder than I thought it would be. After looking in my yard, circling the block, and checking Target, I decided to seek a professional. And after just one trip to Elizabeth Anna’s, our neighborhood nursery, my problem was solved. A big milk crate FULL of beautiful, smooth, perfectly sized rocks were mine for $10.

For whatever reason, George wasn’t interested and played with his legos instead, but Francis and I worked on them for a couple of hours. We used acrylic paint and I have no idea if they will weather well or not. (UPDATE: They didn’t hold up well. I think maybe spraying them with a couple coats of varnish would be wise.) We also used circle stickers as stencils for eyes which turned out cute I thought.

The results:

My kid rocks (Francis, George and Sam):

Francis’s Mommy and Daddy rocks:

Francis’s “Boo and Sunshine”

Francis’s “Grumpy”

And since it’s *almost February, I painted this one and the kids named him “Lovey”

Francis’s Ant hill rock called “Anty”:

And this one. They named it “The Claw” because it looked like those little guys from Toy Story 3:

After we finished painting, George decided he finally wanted in on the fun and worked with us to make up a game called “Toss Rock.” Each concentric circle is worth “x” points and whoever gets the most points, wins. Very complex. ๐Ÿ˜‰

All in all, a great afternoon and it felt great to have a paintbrush in my hand.