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With "transitional" neighborhoods come "transitional" schools.

This week has been exhausting, but rewarding. Our awesome new home is zoned for not-so-awesome schools. Enter, the task of getting into a magnet school or getting transferred. We moved here in June, after the application deadline for magnet schools so, not surprisingly, we were denied. So the next option was to transfer to another school, that actually, our home was zoned for as little as 10 years ago. It’s a cute 90 year old beloved school called Lily B Clayton Elementary in the Berkley neighborhood next to us.

After being 2nd in line for a 30 hour marathon campout, we met a lot of new friends and managed to walk away with the second to last transfer spot. We were lucky and we couldn’t be happier.

Yes, we could have stayed at our zoned school and don’t get me wrong, I’ve thought A LOT about it. I mean, it’s not gonna get any better if folks move into the neighborhood and transfer out. Maybe it’s my duty to stick it out and do my part in making it a better school? I don’t know. I really don’t, but for now, Lily B seems like the best answer for my daughter. It’s still plenty diverse and it’s got a great reputation. I’m thrilled for her and sad that my sweet girl is starting school. I’m gonna miss that sweet face around here.

Green Glasses Fabric

How much do I love this fabric at fabric robot? I’ve seen it before but couldn’t source it… now that the mystery is solved, on to figuring out what I need to make with it! 🙂

Also check out this great fabric. Perfect for Back to School projects. Maybe I’ll make George a lunch bag or something?

**UPDATE: the kind folks at Fabric Robot have offered us all a 10% off coupon code: SAVE10 Enter at checkout. Gotta love that…

August 25, 2010 - 5:53 am

Kimberly - Thank you so much for recognizing our store! We appreciate all of our fans! Please keep in touch =)

Vacation Memory Jars

Saw these on Martha’s site and thought they were beautiful. My kids are young (6 and under) so this seems like a do-able project post vacation.

“Filled with souvenirs collected on trips and pictures developed afterward, vacation memory jars are like little worlds that can be visited again and again. Kids can add to them or rearrange them anytime they like. Bent wire can be used to lower and position objects in a thin-necked jar.”

Read more at Favorite Kids’ Crafts


Sitting on my couch surfing etsy, I came across String Theory’s shop. I love, love, love these. They are a bit pricey, but think about it. You would have these for a lifetime and what beautiful work…