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Happy Halloween!

Wonder Woman and Spiderman have taken over my home these days! The last few years I have made the kids costumes, and frankly, prefer to. (There’s just nothing better than a homemade Halloween costume.) However, this year, I couldn’t help from thinking how it would cost me so much more $$ and time to make them. So, I broke down and bought them at Walmart. I know, double crime. What can I say, it was easy and the kids have LOVED them. George has even been doing his best to sleep in it every night.


Coming out of the fog…

So it’s almost been 6 months since the birth of my son, Sam, and I’m starting to “work” again. Work is in quotes, because as moms we all know – I’ve been working overtime since this kid was born. So what I mean is, I’m starting to shoot and design a bit. Last week, a friend asked me to design their wedding CD. Their requirements: The wedding colors were brown and they bought CD’s that were black and turquoise (because they didn’t have brown CD’s at the store). They asked me to just put their initials on the front, but the more I thought about it… it just didn’t work. Brown CD cover and turquoise and black disc -yuck. I racked my brain for a way to incorporate some turquoise and came up with this. I think it’s awesome. A great solution. Lucky for me, Tim and Tracy already refer to themselves as “TnT.”

October 26, 2009 - 8:36 pm

Rachel - I love that you're "working again"! Love love love access to the creative mind and keen eye of Sally Carns Gulde.

On an unrelated note, did Matt ever get called "Guldelocks"? I assume so. Just occurred to me that would be a pretty decent taunt to use against a blonde boy.

October 27, 2009 - 3:45 am

Drew, Amber and Megan - oh man, this is good. very creative, love it!

September 13, 2010 - 4:00 am

Sally - I don't think he actually was called Guldelocks…but we use the term lovingly around here occassionally. 😉

Feel free to taunt him.

George’s Family Tree

George made this at preschool the other day and I love it. One of my all time favorites.

However, Francis likes to point out that they spelled her name incorrectly. Sorry Francis, I’m afraid to say, that’s gonna happen your entire life. Sorry for going with the “i” – I just liked it better and it is the way your grandpa Joe used to spell his name.

FINAL OrangeFight Cover

If you recall, just before I had baby S, I designed a CD for the band Orangefight. The lead singer, Neal Christopherson, is an old college friend and now himself is a college professor at Whitman.
Recently I realized that I never posted the final cover. And, if you’re interested you can download the full final digi layout here. Keep in mind I flipped the top two panels so Neal could proof it (and you could enjoy it). So, don’t hurt your head for too long trying to figure out how this folded. It’s your normal digipak (Cardboard Cd case with clear plastic disc tray glued to it on the inside. One of my favorite things to design. To read more about Neal and Orangefight, check this out. Rock it, Neal!


Our old friends, the Carlssons, take a yearly RV trip to a sculptors’ show in Colorado.  One of their favorites is a guy named J. Christopher White.  He works with a lot of Texas mesquite and his stuff is just amazing.  He was passing through Amarillo recently and gave me a few chunks of mesquite and juniper to play with.  Here is my first attempt in mesquite.

Notice the dognose.