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Watching Tom & Jerry at the doctor’s office

This is another “good news/bad news” post. The good news is that George’s collarbone is healed. The bad news is that he threw up a couple times today. He seemed to be recovering as we left the doctor’s office. He repeated “ememeenuts” until I realized he was asking for Peanut M&Ms.

Cover Comps: Orange Fight

A college friend recently asked me if I would consider designing an album package for him. Since having Georgie about 2.5 years ago, I’ve pretty much stepped out of the music industry. It’s so difficult to commit to long term design projects with kids at my feet all day. However, since I owe my passing grade in Statistics to this friend and I really miss designing, I said “yes.” Below are a handful of the comps I sent him last night. It’s always fun to see what comes out of my brain. I never really know when I start a project where it’s going to end. (Note: these are comps, so the watermarks you see in some of the images are due to low rez stock images. Those will go away once we decide on a direction and purchase the images.)

February 13, 2009 - 8:26 pm

Kristen - very cool, sal! i love the white one on the bottom and the one with the circular target/smashed orange before. can’t wait to see which direction the company takes…

February 22, 2009 - 5:07 am

Rachel - I really enjoy seeing your work, Sally. Richard and I are thrilled and honored that you will be shooting our wedding….you have such a gift.

March 31, 2009 - 1:01 pm

Drew, Amber and Megan - Way cool. First one is my fave! Awesome choices.

June 4, 2009 - 3:50 am

America - I agree with my sis…first one!

Chia Sock

I recently went to a playgroup where we made homemade Chia pets (thanks to our great host and my new friend,Darla) and it turned out so great I had to share. Francis is out of her mind…she thinks this Chia sock is so hilarious.
It’s super easy all you need is:

mason jar
buttons for eyes, nose, etc.
Hot glue to attach buttons
potting soil
grass seed

The instructions are likely obvious, but I’ll recap for the heck of it:

1) Decorate your sock using hot glue and buttons.
2) Fill first with grass seed so it is at the top of the “head”
3) Fill with potting soil
4) Tie knot in sock
5) Place in mason jar
6) Water (the sock sits kind of down in the jar, I just filled the jar to the top every day I remembered)
7) Enjoy and cut hair when it gets too long. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The photo above shows our Chia sock with about a months worth of growth.

Chia Socks

I recently went to a playgroup where we made homemade Chia pets (thanks to our great host and my new friend, Darla) and it turned out so great I had to share. Francis is out of her mind…she thinks this Chia sock is so hilarious.
It’s super easy all you need is:

mason jar
buttons for eyes, nose, etc.
Hot glue to attach buttons
potting soil
grass seed

The instructions are likely obvious, but I’ll recap for the heck of it:

1) Decorate your sock using hot glue and buttons.
2) Fill first with grass seed so it is at the top of the “head”
3) Fill with potting soil
4) Tie knot in sock
5) Place in mason jar
6) Water (the sock sits kind of down in the jar, I just filled the jar to the top every day I remembered)
7) Enjoy and cut hair when it gets too long. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The photo I attached shows our Chia sock with about a months worth of growth.

February 13, 2009 - 11:53 am

deanna dean - how fun!!! ok, I have to ask…did the sock begin as a white sock? It looks kinda tan now! I'm guessing from all the dirt and watering. ๐Ÿ™‚

February 16, 2009 - 2:59 pm

Dan & Tina - Thanks for sharing the Chia Sock idea. I love it. Can't wait to try it with my two.

The Long Day Closes

Nearly thirteen years after graduating from college, there are a lot of glee club songs that I don’t remember in their entirety. One that I do remember is “The Long Day Closes,” cowritten by Arthur Sullivan before his shared fame with W.S. Gilbert. The words, pasted below, come to mind when I’m putting the kids to bed, but only when they’re content to snuggle and listen rather than demand new made-up songs. Then I go lay awake myself thinking about having sung a song about death to my kids. Come to think about it, my kids are experts on songs about death. They’ve heard this one, “Loch Lomond,” and “Danny Boy” hundreds of times.

No star is o’er the lake,
Its pale watch keeping,
The moon is half awake,
Through gray mists creeping,
The last red leaves fall round
The porch of roses,
The clock hath ceased to sound,
The long day closes.

Sit by the silent hearth
In calm endeavour,
To count the sounds of mirth,
Now dumb for ever.
Heed not how hope believes
And fate disposes:
Shadow is round the eaves,
The long day closes.

The lighted windows dim
Are fading slowly.
The fire that was so trim
Now quivers lowly.
Go to the dreamless bed
Where grief reposes;
Thy book of toil is read,
The long day closes.