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After My Own Heart

This afternoon, Sally and Francis were playing restaurant. This is not uncommon. Francis sat at her play table and the following exchange occurred.

Sally: Thank you visiting my restaurant, may I get you something to drink?

Francis: Yes, please

Sally: All we have is milk and water.

Francis: [considering] I’d like some milk please.

Sally: What size would you like? We have large, medium, and small.

Francis: [considering] medium.

Sally: OK, one medium milk coming right up.
[returning] Here’s your milk, ma’am.

Francis: Excuse me, do you give free refills?

Sally: [laughing] yes.

February 20, 2009 - 7:52 pm

Joan - Matt Gulde all over again at Taco Cabana in Austin, Texas! The king of refills!….This is NOT mom. I'm using mom's account……..Jen

Revival of the Silly Music Project

I pulled out the microphone that Sally gave me a few years ago, and dusted off the vocal chords.  You might recall that I recorded a few a capella songs for the kids a while ago.  Last night, I recorded a couple versions of the beginning of Seven Bridges Road.  You can hear them here and here.  

They don’t reflect any great musicality, but it’s just so much fun to make these songs.  It makes me want to revive the silly music project.

I Love Weddings.

Saturday night I had the pleasure of attending Matt’s cousin’s wedding in Groom, Texas. After a very long week of being in and out of the hospital that resulted in a pneumonia diagnosis for Francis and a random falling out of bed broken collar bone for Georgie, Matt decided to stay at home with the kids and encouraged me to go. He knows I love weddings. I can’t help myself, camera or not, I love the energy. It’s a lot more fun to have Matt there though – to squeeze his hand during the homily or have a partner in crime on the dance floor, but I did my best on Saturday and in truth, had a great time. Here are few “snap shots” from a wedding addicted photographer. Enjoy L and C – we are so happy for you two!

January 7, 2009 - 4:22 am

Kristen - Beautiful work, as always. You are talent my friend. Sally “Talent” Gulde.

January 29, 2009 - 2:23 am

Geoff - Groom, Texas – home of the largest cross in the western hemisphere. And it definitely is large.

(By the way, I was one of the last to work at Jackson Design before its doors closed in ’05. Very nice photography and your logotype is quite nice, too. Kind regards.)