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"Mommy, play ball!" (Stop taking pictures!)

As I was taking pictures of my boy the other day, he grew impatient. After posing nicely for a few minutes, he began to object every time I brought the camera up to my eye. The caption here: “Mommy, play ball.” is exactly what he was saying as I snapped this picture.

November 15, 2008 - 3:15 am

America - Oh this is way too familiar, play now!

3 months and one state later

Wew, it looks like we’re starting to get settled in. There are still boxes everywhere – both empty and full. However, we’re officially sleeping in our own beds and have internet access. What more can you ask for? Oh, I know… how about two napping children? Done. I’ve got about an hour to catch up on this blog and post some photos.

Here are just a couple of George from this morning. He was playing in the giant box our new sofa came in and then began yelling at me when I wouldn’t put my camera down and play ball with him. He was literally yelling, “Mommy, NO! Play ball!” Ah… poor kid. There’s also one nice close up to show off his new haircut. I think he already looks more like a Texan. What do you think?

December 5, 2008 - 10:13 pm

Kristen - yes! texan all the way. welcome, home!

December 23, 2008 - 6:02 pm

Lea Parrott - I love the pictures!

Split Vote

We are a house divided. Francis supports John McCain, while George prefers Barack Obama. It’s somewhat fitting, as I’ve noticed that Francis endorses a “trickle down” policy as to toys in our house, whereas George is a vocal advocate for change.

My mom was working the polling place at her local elementary school, so we brought her donuts when we voted. That’s an issue that unites our household. We may disagree on who should run this country, but we can all agree on the consumption of donuts.


The headmaster at Francis’s school just emailed the election results from her school. His email describes an election in which the 3rd – 8th graders elected McCain by a landslide:

It has been an exciting morning here at St. Andrew’s with the students (3-8) casting their vote for President. We have had two television stations (channels 4 and 7) here to tape and interview the students. The results are as follows:

McCain 120
Obama 40

November 4, 2008 - 6:31 pm

Kristen - RJ likes saying "John McCain", too.
love this entry. so cute!!

November 4, 2008 - 6:57 pm

trace - man, were they Donut Stop donuts? oh, how I miss them….

November 4, 2008 - 10:23 pm

Sally - Now I know where Francis is being influenced! 🙂

November 5, 2008 - 2:10 pm

Kristen - hahahahahahaha… the school schooling your children. imagine that!

November 6, 2008 - 7:54 pm

America - Dozer is a "McCain USA" endorser. I guess that fits the older preschoolers and the older adults both going for McCain and then the younger toddlers and younger adults going for Obama! Does that make sense, oh well. Love that photo by the way.

Fallen Soldiers

My Uncle Hunky collects aluminum for recycling, and my saving cans for him has exposed my Diet Dr. Pepper habit in a new way. Before I started saving cans for him, I told him that I would likely be embarrassed for him to know how much soda I drink. “I don’t tell the secrets of those who save cans for me,” he replied. Here are the first twenty-three cans (276 ounces or 2.16 gallons).

November 7, 2008 - 4:37 pm

Matt - That's at least a couple weeks' consumption.