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Oh, man!

If you’ve spent any time around our boy George, chances are you’ve heard him voice his disappointment or dismay by saying “oh, man!” As the little brother, there are many such moments, and it’s hard for us not to smile when he says it. If our life were a sit-com, “oh, man!” would definitely be George’s catch phrase, and I’m sure it would end up on t-shirts and coffee mugs.

In this episode, Francis and George are holding a candy sale the day after Halloween. There are laughs all around as the pint-sized entrepreneurs peddle left-over candy at a quarter a bag. Although this picture captures a moment of exasperation, they actually sold two-dollars’ worth. Born salesmen.

November 3, 2008 - 3:19 pm

Kristen - this is hilarious!! I'm so glad to be back in the fold!!!!!

Rainbow Fish and Pirate

After flirting with the idea of being a good witch for Halloween, Francis decided to portray a rainbow fish. In a single afternoon’s work—and fighting a malfunctioning sewing machine—Sally created this amazing costume. As with Francis’s second-birthday otter cake, her 2007 tightrope-walker costume, and countless other great-mom moments, Sally pulled this off in the style to which we are accustomed. There has never been a prettier, more stylish rainbow fish — or a luckier kid.

George was much more steadfast in his costume choice. For months, he’s been telling us that he would be a pirate. He says it with a growl, along with a signature “harr matey.” I had originally planned a more conservative mustache, but during application, George wiped it across his cheek to his ear. I think it made him look like Salvador Dali.

November 3, 2008 - 4:17 pm

katherine petillo - wow… i can't believe you made that. i mean, i can, but wow… it's awesome. i think you may have yet another career path. is that your new place in the background? miss you!!!

November 6, 2008 - 7:59 pm

America - Don't you just love boys and pirates! I am in awe of your mommy skills as well.

One Riot One Ranger

I was filled with nostalgia when I saw this statue honoring Texas Rangers at Love Field airport. A statue identical to this (or maybe it’s the same one) stood in Canyon,Texas at the Panhandle Plains Historical Museum during my youth. I remember loving the arrogant inscription, “One Riot One Ranger,” as a kid. I should have known I’d end up doing a stint in law enforcement.