Masthead header

Sneak Peek for Momma M:

Had such a fun day today with these two cuties. We took the train downtown and it was so much fun. I’m officially exhausted though and have so much work to catch up on. What’s a girl to do with only a few more weeks in Chicago? Wew….!

August 16, 2008 - 1:46 pm

Kristen - i love your work, sally. what a fun urban session. i love their little shadows and who could resist those gorgeous big brown eyes! love, love, love!

August 19, 2008 - 2:17 am

America - Wow Sally, if I had you take photos of my kids I would have to get every single last one!

August 22, 2008 - 3:26 am

Rachel - Gorgeous — especially love the lush look of the traditional outfits contrasted against the L steps. Such a great eye. 🙁 Don’t wanna lose you.


Selling a house, moving, looking for a new house.  All that stuff can really age a man.  This picture, for example, was taken this evening.  Check out this photo transformer to see what you would look like under similar strain.

August 16, 2008 - 1:48 pm

Kristen - man, that's creepy. is there a plastic surgery option in the transformation? LOL!

Google Street View

I played around with Google Maps’ new(ish) feature, Street View, tonight. It’s spooky. You click through neighborhoods and see 360-degree shots of every inch from a passing car’s perspective. I felt almost voyeuristic when I was clicking through our block of Humphrey and saw our neighbor Mary Fran and her black lab, Rocky, strolling by their house.

We’re really going to miss our great neighbors. It’s nice to know that Google will help us keep an eye on them and their dogs.

August 12, 2008 - 3:58 pm

Jacki - I know totally what you're saying, it's creepy thinking that there's a man in the middle of your street looking at your house and watching you! I had been playing with that and I read this entry and finally decided to see what it was all about. It's awesome! Well I can't wait to see you guys. ily

Beak to Beak

During our open house today, we went down to Hyde Park for some quality time with our old next door neighbors and good friends Ben and Maureen. They live a couple blocks from the Museum of Science and Industry, so we walked over there and took advantage of their membership.

Here are George and a newly hatched chick sizing each other up. Click the picture for a small album of our museum trip.


Just because I don’t want the top entry on this blog to be my dumb face, here’s a quiz for you: in five minutes, list as many of the top-100 most commonly used English words as you can.  I’m embarrassed that I could only name 50 of them.  I bet most can do better, but I would expect someone closer to 8th-grade english (and the parts of speech) to do a lot better.  Post your results in the comments.  

via Kottke
August 9, 2008 - 8:57 pm

Kristen - I could only get 25. I blame it on being a mother with a limited vocabulary.

August 11, 2008 - 2:10 am

katherine petillo - 45. i think it's interesting that "no" is on there, but not
"yes". and also that "mine" isn't there 🙂

August 12, 2008 - 2:54 am

The Olson Family - 48 !!!! Awesome game bro!